Friday, November 16, 2012

Hello Nevada!!!!

::The Mountains in Nevada are Beautiful!!!!!::

                    ::Playing Ping-Pong::

 ::This is by the park in Henderson!::

   Micah, Phoebe, Silas and I, are visiting our Aunt and Uncle in Las Vegas for a while...and while we are here we decided to visit....

                                                     the Hoover Dam!!!!

                                                                    ::The Bridge::

                                                                     ::The Dam::

                                                       ::By the generators under the Dam::

                                               ::In the tunnel on the way to the generators::

                                                ::Looking down from the top of the Dam::

                                                       ::Lake Mead behind the Dam::

                                                            ::The Arizona side::
                                                                 ::The Nevada side::

                                    We had a wonderful day and the weather was perfect!!!!   


  1. What lovely scenery! We miss you guys. You look so pretty in these pictures, Charity! Thanks for posting.
    -Kimberly P.

  2. cool pictures, you are so beautiful Charity!

    Katy K.
